How to prepare inputs

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Crystal Structures

Material Lattice Stacking Exp. Param. Brillouin Zone Band Structure Gap Eg [eV]
3C SiC Zincblende ABC FCC (cubic) PL97 HF74 Γ - X 2.36 (300K)
4H SiC Moissanite-4H ABAC Hexagonal PL97 Γ - M 3.23 (300K)
6H SiC Moissanite-6H ABCACB Hexagonal PL97 Γ - M-L 3.00 (300K)

Hyperfine parameters

Vasp manual on hyperfine calculations. Derive NGYROMAG parameters from Magnetogyric ratio (MR) of

 NGYROMAG = MR[Mhz T-1 rad] / 2*PI
13 C 67.283 10.7084
14 N 19.338 3.0777
15 N -27.126 -4.3172
17 O -36.264 -5.772
19 F 251.662 40.052
29 Si -53.190 -8.4655
31 P 108.394 17.2514
69 Ga 64.389 10.2477
71 Ga 81.812 13.0207

Core levels calculation

Generating Supercells

You can generate supercells from primitive cells by the wsgen package:

 cd wsgen/src

Copy src/wsgen and scgen to $HOME/bin . Edit the config file for the input generator. The scale variable sets multipliers for the lattice vectors and shift sets a shift for each sub-lattice (eg.: center sub-lattices for cubic or hexagonal place).


 ./scgen -p vasp -d -i <INPUT> -m "<LIST>"

where <INPUT> it the primitive CONTCAR and "<LIST>" is a space separated list of species for merge order of sub-lattices (eg.: "Si C").

You can make transformation on the merged geometry by creating a transform file Eg.: center the final geometry on the 1st Si atom (VMD atom index is used):

 1 Si

The final geometry is in merge.transform.POSCAR . Please be aware that the generated geometry is not VASP-normalized and not all atom is in the primitive cell of the supercell.

Brillouin Zone


Lattice X L M W K A H N P
FCC (cubic) 1/2, 1/2, 0 1/2, 1/2, 1/2 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 3/8, 3/8, 3/4
Hexagonal 0, 1/2, 1/2 0, 1/2, 0 1/3, 1/3, 0 0, 0, 1/2
BCC -1/2, 1/2, 1/2 0, 0, 1/2 1/4, 1/4, 1/4

Band Structure Calculation