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Revision as of 15:22, 10 September 2020 by Thiering (talk | contribs)
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Login from Ubuntu linux - or any other distro

The assumption is that you have a linux machine installed with a working openssh client.

1. Generate an SSH public and private key pair

 thiering@ThinkPad-T420 ~ $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "thiering@laptop" -f ~/.ssh/skynetkey
 Generating public/private rsa key pair.  
 Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Type a password here.
 Enter same passphrase again: Type the password again.
 Your identification has been saved in /home/thiering/.ssh/skynetkey.
 Your public key has been saved in /home/thiering/.ssh/ 
 The key fingerprint is:  
 SHA256:DRSJYHxtme+J0ldv381IVHU3OI38F19CLWw9dtxAPAM thiering@laptop 
 The key's randomart image is:
 +---[RSA 4096]----+ 
 |   .o. oo=  E*B**| 
 |   .. o.*    =O=%| 
 |     . ...   .+**|
 |         o. . ..o| 
 |       .So.o o  .|
 |      . o +   +  |
 |       . .   o +o|
 |              . =|
 |                 | 

Log into skynet

You can log into skynet with the following command below:

thiering@ThinkPad-T420 ~ $ ssh -v -X -o TCPKeepAlive=no -p 53017 -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -i /home/thiering/shf3/key/ssh/IUVPNO.sec
-X<\pre> means that you have X server forwarding. X server is responsive for graphical user interface (GUI). Probably this will be replaced by Wayland in the future.
Please note that X server forwarding is more efficient than a remote desktop. In simple words, the program will run on the server that you log in but it will use the graphic card on your local machine. A remote desktop will just send the image of the screen, but X forwarding just send the drawing calls.