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ZÖLD[Gali2009]Author: Gali, Ádám; Erik, Janzén; Deák, Péter; Georg, Kresse; Efthimios, Kaxiras
Journal: Physical Review Letters
Month: oct
Number: 18
Pages: 186404
Title: Theory of Spin-Conserving Excitation of the N-V- Center in Diamond
Volume: 103
Year: 2009
Link to Google Scholar

[Gali2009]Author: Gali, Ádám; Erik, Janzén; Deák, Péter; Georg, Kresse; Efthimios, Kaxiras
Journal: Physical Review Letters
Month: oct
Number: 18
Pages: 186404
Title: Theory of Spin-Conserving Excitation of the N-V- Center in Diamond
Volume: 103
Year: 2009
Link to Google Scholar

My papers

[Gali2000]Gali, A.; Aradi, B.; De\'{a}k, P.; Choyke, W.; Son, N. (2000): Overcoordinated Hydrogens in the Carbon Vacancy: Donor Centers of SiC. Physical Review Letters, 84, 4926--4929Link to Google Scholar

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[Szucs2003]Szűcs, Bernadett; Gali, Adam; Hajnal, Zolt\'{a}n; De\'{a}k, Peter; {Van de Walle}, Chris (2003): Physics and chemistry of hydrogen in the vacancies of semiconductors. Physical Review B, 68, %pages%Link to Google Scholar

[No entries found]

[Deak2005]P\'{e}ter, De\'{a}k; \'{A}d\'{a}m, Gali; Andr\'{a}s, S\'{o}lyom; \'{A}d\'{a}m, Buruzs; Thomas, Frauenheim (2005): Electronic structure of boron-interstitial clusters in silicon. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17, 2141-2153Link to Google Scholar
[Son2006]Son, N.; Carlsson, P.; ul Hassan, J.; Janz\'{e}n, E.; Umeda, T.; Isoya, J.; Gali, A.; Bockstedte, M.; Morishita, N.; Ohshima, T.; Itoh, H. (2006): Divacancy in 4H-SiC. Physical Review Letters, 96, %pages%Link to Google Scholar
[Umeda2006]Umeda, T.; Son, N.; Isoya, J.; Janz\'{e}n, E.; Ohshima, T.; Morishita, N.; Itoh, H.; Gali, A.; Bockstedte, M. (2006): Identification of the Carbon Antisite-Vacancy Pair in 4H-SiC. Physical Review Letters, 96, %pages%Link to Google Scholar
[Deak2007]De\'{a}k, P\'{e}ter; Frauenheim, Thomas; Gali, \'{A}d\'{a}m (2007): Limits of the scaled shift correction to levels of interstitial defects in semiconductors. Physical Review B, 75, %pages%Link to Google Scholar
[Riccardo2007]Riccardo, Rurali; Aradi, B\'{a}lint; Thomas, Frauenheim; Gali, \'{A}d\'{a}m (2007): Accurate single-particle determination of the band gap in silicon nanowires. Physical Review B, 76, %pages%Link to Google Scholar
[Adam2008]\'{A}d\'{a}m Gali; P\'{e}ter De\'{a}k; B\'{a}lint Aradi; Riccardo Rurali (2008): Hybrid functional and GW calculations on defects in semiconductors: from quantitative to qualitative changes of defect levels and states compared to standard DFT methods. %publisher%, Deutche Physikgemeinschaft (DPG) Spring MeetingLink to Google Scholar
[Deak2008]P\'{e}ter, De\'{a}k; B\'{a}lint, Aradi; Thomas, Frauenheim; \'{A}d\'{a}m, Gali (2008): Challenges for ab initio defect modeling. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 154-155, 187--192Link to Google Scholar
[PhysRevB.77.155206]Gali, Adam; Fyta, Maria; Kaxiras, Efthimios (2008): \textit{Ab initio} supercell calculations on nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond: Electronic structure and hyperfine tensors. Phys. Rev. B, 77, 155206Link to Google Scholar
[doi:10.1021/nl901970u]Gali, Adam; Vörös, Márton; Rocca, Dario; Zimanyi, Gergely T.; Galli, Giulia (2009): High-Energy Excitations in Silicon Nanoparticles. Nano Letters, 9, 3780-3785Link to Google Scholar
[Gali2009]Gali, \'{A}d\'{a}m; Erik, Janz\'{e}n; De\'{a}k, P\'{e}ter; Georg, Kresse; Efthimios, Kaxiras (2009): Theory of Spin-Conserving Excitation of the N-V- Center in Diamond. Physical Review Letters, 103, 186404Link to Google Scholar
[PhysRevB.79.235210]Gali, Adam (2009): Theory of the neutral nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond and its application to the realization of a qubit. Phys. Rev. B, 79, 235210Link to Google Scholar
[PhysRevB.80.161411]V\"or\"os, M\'arton; Gali, Adam (2009): Optical absorption of diamond nanocrystals from ab initio density-functional calculations. Phys. Rev. B, 80, 161411Link to Google Scholar
[PhysRevB.80.241204]Gali, Adam (2009): Identification of individual $^{13}\text{C}$ isotopes of nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond by combining the polarization studies of nuclear spins and first-principles calculations. Phys. Rev. B, 80, 241204Link to Google Scholar
[Rurali2009]Riccardo, Rurali; Aradi, B\'{a}lint; Thomas, Frauenheim; Gali, \'{A}d\'{a}m (2009): Donor levels in Si nanowires determined by hybrid-functional calculations. Physical Review B, 79, 115303Link to Google Scholar
[Gali10]Gali, A.; G\"allstr\"om, A.; Son, N.T.; Janz\'en, E. (2010): Theory of Neutral Divacancy in SiC: A Defect for Spintronics. Mater. Sci. Forum, 645-648, 395-397Link to Google Scholar
[PhysRevB.81.041204]Ma, Yuchen; Rohlfing, Michael; Gali, Adam (2010): Excited states of the negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy color center in diamond. Phys. Rev. B, 81, 041204Link to Google Scholar
[Szabo2010]Szabó, Áron; Son, Ngyen Tien; Janzén, Erik; Gali, Adam (2010): Group-II acceptors in wurtzite AlN: A screened hybrid density functional study. Applied Physics Letters, 96, -Link to Google Scholar
[voros2010absorption]Vörös, Márton; Deák, Péter; Frauenheim, Thomas; Gali, Adam (2010): The absorption spectrum of hydrogenated silicon carbide nanocrystals from ab initio calculations. Applied Physics Letters, 96, 051909Link to Google Scholar
[voros2010absorption_2]Vörös, Márton; Deák, Péter; Frauenheim, Thomas; Gali, Adam (2010): The absorption of oxygenated silicon carbide nanoparticles. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 133, 064705Link to Google Scholar
[Beke2011]Beke, David; Szekr\'enyes, Zsolt; Balogh, Istv\'an; Veres, Mikl\'os; Fazakas, \'Eva; Varga, Lajos K.; Kamar\'as, Katalin; Czig\'any, Zsolt; Gali, Adam (2011): Characterization of luminescent silicon carbide nanocrystals prepared by reactive bonding and subsequent wet chemical etching. Applied Physics Letters, 99, 213108Link to Google Scholar
[Gali2011-TDDFT]Gali, Adam (2011): Time-dependent density functional study on the excitation spectrum of point defects in semiconductors. physica status solidi (b), 248, 1337--1346Link to Google Scholar
[MazeGali2011]J R Maze; A Gali; E Togan; Y Chu; A Trifonov; E Kaxiras; M D Lukin (2011): Properties of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond: the group theoretic approach. New Journal of Physics, 13, 025025Link to Google Scholar
[PhysRevLett.106.157601]Waldherr, G.; Beck, J.; Steiner, M.; Neumann, P.; Gali, A.; Frauenheim, Th.; Jelezko, F.; Wrachtrup, J. (2011): Dark States of Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond Unraveled by Single Shot NMR. Phys. Rev. Lett., 106, 157601Link to Google Scholar
[Son2011]Son, N. T.; Gali, A.; Szabó, Á.; Bickermann, M.; Ohshima, T.; Isoya, J.; Janzén, E. (2011): Defects at nitrogen site in electron-irradiated AlN. Applied Physics Letters, 98, -Link to Google Scholar
[C2NR32442C]Somogyi, Balint; Zolyomi, Viktor; Gali, Adam (2012): Near-infrared luminescent cubic silicon carbide nanocrystals for in vivo biomarker applications: an ab initio study. Nanoscale, 4, 7720-7726Link to Google Scholar
[doi:10.1021/nl300816t]Yan, Binghai; Rurali, Riccardo; Gali, \'Ad\'am (2012): Ab Initio Study of Phosphorus Donors Acting as Quantum Bits in Silicon Nanowires. Nano Letters, 12, 3460-3465Link to Google Scholar
[Gali2012-MSF]Gali, A. (2012): Excitation Properties of Silicon Vacancy in Silicon Carbide. Mater. Sci. Forum, 717-720, 255-258Link to Google Scholar
[Gali2012-TDDFT]Gali, A. (2012): Excitation spectrum of point defects in semiconductors studied by time-dependent density functional theory. J. Mater. Res., 27, 897-909Link to Google Scholar
[PhysRevLett.108.267401]V\"or\"os, M\'arton; Demj\'en, Tam\'as; Szilv\'asi, Tibor; Gali, Adam (2012): Tuning the Optical Gap of Nanometer-Size Diamond Cages by Sulfurization: A Time-Dependent Density Functional Study. Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 267401Link to Google Scholar
[Beke2013_bio]Beke,David; Szekr\'enyes,Zsolt; P\'alfi,Denes; R\'ona,Gergely; Balogh,Istv\'an; Ma\'ak,Pal Andor; Katona,Gergely; Czig\'any,Zsolt; Kamar\'as,Katalin; R\'ozsa,Balazs; Buday,Laszlo; V\'ertessy,Beata; Gali,Adam (2013): Silicon carbide quantum dots for bioimaging. Journal of Materials Research, 28, 205--209Link to Google Scholar
[gali2013ab]Gali, Adam; Maze, Jeronimo R (2013): Ab initio study of the split silicon-vacancy defect in diamond: Electronic structure and related properties. Physical Review B, 88, 235205Link to Google Scholar
[PhysRevB.87.155402]V\"or\"os, M\'arton; Rocca, Dario; Galli, Giulia; Zimanyi, Gergely T.; Gali, Adam (2013): Increasing impact ionization rates in Si nanoparticles through surface engineering: A density functional study. Phys. Rev. B, 87, 155402Link to Google Scholar
[PhysRevB.87.205201]Iv\'ady, Viktor; Abrikosov, I. A.; Janz\'en, E.; Gali, A. (2013): Role of screening in the density functional applied to transition-metal defects in semiconductors. Phys. Rev. B, 87, 205201Link to Google Scholar
[PhysRevB.88.075202]Sz\'asz, Kriszti\'an; Hornos, Tam\'as; Marsman, Martijn; Gali, Adam (2013): Hyperfine coupling of point defects in semiconductors by hybrid density functional calculations: The role of core spin polarization. Phys. Rev. B, 88, 075202Link to Google Scholar
[PhysRevLett.110.046804]Wippermann, S.; V\"or\"os, M.; Rocca, D.; Gali, A.; Zimanyi, G.; Galli, G. (2013): High-Pressure Core Structures of Si Nanoparticles for Solar Energy Conversion. Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 046804Link to Google Scholar
[PhysRevLett.110.167402]Siyushev, P.; Pinto, H.; V\"or\"os, M.; Gali, A.; Jelezko, F.; Wrachtrup, J. (2013): Optically Controlled Switching of the Charge State of a Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Center in Diamond at Cryogenic Temperatures. Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 167402Link to Google Scholar
[bodrog2014spin]Bodrog, Zoltán; Gali, Adam (2014): The spin–spin zero-field splitting tensor in the projector-augmented-wave method. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 26, 015305Link to Google Scholar
[C4TA01543F]Voros, Marton; Wippermann, Stefan; Somogyi, Balint; Gali, Adam; Rocca, Dario; Galli, Giulia; Zimanyi, Gergely T. (2014): Germanium nanoparticles with non-diamond core structures for solar energy conversion. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2, 9820-9827Link to Google Scholar
[castelletto2014room]Castelletto, Stefania; Johnson, Brett C.; Zachreson, Cameron; Beke, David; Balogh, István; Ohshima, Takeshi; Aharonovich, Igor; Gali, Adam (2014): Room Temperature Quantum Emission from Cubic Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles. ACS Nano, 8, 7938-7947Link to Google Scholar
[castelletto2014silicon]Castelletto, S; Johnson, BC; Iv{\'a}dy, Viktor; Stavrias, N; Umeda, T; Gali, A; Ohshima, T (2014): A silicon carbide room-temperature single-photon source. Nature materials, 13, 151--156Link to Google Scholar
[Deak2014]De\'ak, Peter; Aradi, B\'alint; Kaviani, Moloud; Frauenheim, Thomas; Gali, Adam (2014): Formation of NV centers in diamond: A theoretical study based on calculated transitions and migration of nitrogen and vacancy related defects. Phys. Rev. B, 89, 075203Link to Google Scholar
[demjan2014electronic]Demján, Tamás; Vörös, Márton; Palummo, Maurizia; Gali, Adam (2014): Electronic and optical properties of pure and modified diamondoids studied by many-body perturbation theory and time-dependent density functional theory. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 141, 064308Link to Google Scholar
[malone2014first]Malone, Brad D.; Gali, Adam; Kaxiras, Efthimios (2014): First principles study of point defects in SnS. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16, 26176-26183Link to Google Scholar
[Moloud2014]Kaviani, Moloud; De\'{a}k, Peter; Aradi, B\'{a}lint; Frauenheim, Thomas; Chou, Jyh-Pin; Gali, Adam (2014): Proper Surface Termination for Luminescent Near-Surface NV centers in Diamomnd. Nano Letters, 14, 4772-4777Link to Google Scholar
[PhysRevB.90.035146]Iv\'ady, Viktor; Armiento, Rickard; Sz\'asz, Kriszti\'an; Janz\'en, Erik; Gali, Adam; Abrikosov, Igor A. (2014): Theoretical unification of hybrid-DFT and $\text{DFT} + U$ methods for the treatment of localized orbitals. Phys. Rev. B, 90, 035146Link to Google Scholar
[PhysRevB.90.165142]Coulter, John E.; Manousakis, Efstratios; Gali, Adam (2014): Optoelectronic excitations and photovoltaic effect in strongly correlated materials. Phys. Rev. B, 90, 165142Link to Google Scholar
[PhysRevB.90.235205]Iv\'ady, Viktor; Simon, Tam\'as; Maze, Jeronimo R.; Abrikosov, I. A.; Gali, Adam (2014): Pressure and temperature dependence of the zero-field splitting in the ground state of NV centers in diamond: A first-principles study. Phys. Rev. B, 90, 235205Link to Google Scholar
[PhysRevLett.112.106801]Wippermann, Stefan; V\"or\"os, M\'arton; Gali, Adam; Gygi, Francois; Zimanyi, Gergely T.; Galli, Giulia (2014): Solar Nanocomposites with Complementary Charge Extraction Pathways for Electrons and Holes: Si Embedded in ZnS. Phys. Rev. Lett., 112, 106801Link to Google Scholar
[somogyi2014computational]Somogyi, Bálint; Gali, Adam (2014): Computational design of in vivo biomarkers. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 26, 143202Link to Google Scholar
[Szallas2014]Szállás, A.; Szász, K.; Trinh, X. T.; Son, N. T.; Janzén, E.; Gali, A. (2014): Characterization of the nitrogen split interstitial defect in wurtzite aluminum nitride using density functional theory. Journal of Applied Physics, 116, %pages%Link to Google Scholar
[szekrenyes2014chemical]Szekrényes, Zsolt; Somogyi, Bálint; Beke, Dávid; Károlyházy, Gyula; Balogh, István; Kamarás, Katalin; Gali, Adam (2014): Chemical Transformation of Carboxyl Groups on the Surface of Silicon Carbide Quantum Dots. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118, 19995-20001Link to Google Scholar
[szilvasi2014fluorine]Szilvási, Tibor; Gali, Adam (2014): Fluorine Modification of the Surface of Diamondoids: A Time-Dependent Density Functional Study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118, 4410-4415Link to Google Scholar
[thiering2014]Thiering, Gerg{\H{o}}; Londero, Elisa; Gali, Adam (2014): Single nickel-related defects in molecular-sized nanodiamonds for multicolor bioimaging: an ab initio study. Nanoscale, 6, 12018--12025Link to Google Scholar
[Vlasov2014] Igor I. Vlasov; Andrey A. Shiryaev; Torsten Rendler; Steffen Steinert; Sang-Yun Lee; Denis Antonov; M\'arton V\"or\"os; Fedor Jelezko; Anatolii V. Fisenko; Lubov F. Semjonova; Johannes Biskupek; Ute Kaiser; Oleg I. Lebedev; Ilmo Sildos; Philip. R. Hemmer; Vitaly I. Konov; Adam Gali ; J\"org Wrachtrup (2014): Molecular-sized fluorescent nanodiamonds. Nature Nanotechn., 9, 54-58Link to Google Scholar