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Login from Ubuntu linux - or any other distro

The assumption is that you have a linux machine (eg. for example Ubuntu) installed with a working openssh client.

You can use this with Windows 10 with Windows Subsystem for Linux

Choose Ubuntu 20.04 installation there or newer for example. The linux shell and tools are always good to use within windows 10 too!

1. Generate an SSH public and private key pair

 thiering@ThinkPad-T420 ~ $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "thiering@laptop" -f ~/.ssh/skynetkey
 Generating public/private rsa key pair.  
 Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Type a password here.
 Enter same passphrase again: Type the password again.
 Your identification has been saved in /home/thiering/.ssh/skynetkey.
 Your public key has been saved in /home/thiering/.ssh/ 
 The key fingerprint is:  
 SHA256:DRSJYHxtme+J0ldv381IVHU3OI38F19CLWw9dtxAPAM thiering@laptop 
 The key's randomart image is:
 +---[RSA 4096]----+ 
 |   .o. oo=  E*B**| 
 |   .. o.*    =O=%| 
 |     . ...   .+**|
 |         o. . ..o| 
 |       .So.o o  .|
 |      . o +   +  |
 |       . .   o +o|
 |              . =|
 |                 | 

2. upload the key into Teams

If you want to log in please upload the public key into Microsoft Teams.

We will will manually copy your public key into skynet thus you can proceed.

3. Log into skynet

You can log into skynet with the following command below:

thiering@ThinkPad-T420 ~ $ ssh -v -X -o TCPKeepAlive=no -p 53017 -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -i $HOME/.ssh/skynetkey

Replace "IUVPNO" to your username to your Neptun code.

-X means that you have X server forwarding. X server is responsive for graphical user interface (GUI). Probably this will be replaced by Wayland in the future. Please note that X server forwarding is more efficient than a remote desktop. In simple words, the program will run on the server that you log in but it will use the graphic card on your local machine. A remote desktop will just send the image of the screen, but X forwarding just send the drawing calls.

-v means verbose output. You can try it with -vvv "very verbose" option, for even more output. Handy for debugging if your login does not want to work.

-p 53017 means that we are using the 53017 port of TCP/UDP network calls. Remark: the default SSH port is 22 that we are replacing.

-o ServerAliveInterval=30 and -o TCPKeepAlive=no provides that our SSH connection won't be shut down due inactivity

-i $HOME/.ssh/skynetkey the SSH private key to use that unlocks the public key on skynet.

4. Optional: mount skynet as an external disk

Login from Windows 10 with putty

Install Putty from here.

1. Generate an SSH public and private key pair

Generate an rsa key with puttygen.

2. upload the key into Teams

If you want to log in please upload the public key into Microsoft Teams.

We will will manually copy your public key into skynet thus you can proceed.

3. Log into skynet